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‘Everything is not lockdown’ encourage people to relish the days of Lockdown

With the turmoil of coronavirus going across the country, people are getting panicky, anxious, and desperate as each day flies by. Amid this lockdown days Mr. Vivek Thakkar, a twenty - two year old concept designer, has created a short video of his family showcasing that lockdown does not mean an end of happy times. “Everything is not Lockdown” spreads the message that while we may not be able to go out or continue living life as we used to, there are still many things one can do instead of reminiscing the past days. Lockdown does not mean an end to imagination, creativity, learning, and praying. The video shows how one can use this opportunity to take a step back from his busy life and start enjoying little things he has been blessed with. Spending time with family, doing yoga and meditations, getting full hours of sleep are some of the things one can enjoy during the lockdown period. Before this video, Vivek has composed Maro desh khilse Gujrat khilse, a regional Gujrati video. The video has also been mentioned by PM Narendra Modi in one of his tweets. Everything is not Lockdown is like a beacon of light showing the path in the dark days.

Organic food- a way of living a healthy life

Since the last few days, the world is going through a tumultuous series of events creating a constant pandemonium among people. With the declaration of the Corona Virus as Pandemic by the World Health Organization, the world is at a point of breakdown. Many people have lost their lives while many are fighting for it. We all know prevention is always better than cure but are we taking enough precautions? At this point of time, it has become a necessity to keep oneself healthy and fit in order to have a strong immunity, all of which directly depend upon what kind of food we are consuming. If we want to keep ourself healthy and fit, then it is better to include organic food in our diet.

Studies have proved that organic food is healthier as compared to the conventional ones. For one, these kinds of food completely lack chemicals or synthesizers which have harmful effects on human health. Organic food is prepared without using any chemicals and fertilizers and therefore helps in improving and maintaining our immune system. At this point of time, where we are surrounded by the danger of being affected with life killing viruses like Covid 19, it is utmost essential to consume organic food which will increase our body’s ability to fight against the virus and eliminate the infections caused by it. Additionally, organic foods are rich in antioxidant, which in turn enhances the immunity of the body.

According to Mr. Atul Malikram, “Currently we are at war against Corona with our body as our weapon. Like a weapon, our body needs to be strong and sharp all the time. Organic food provides nourishment to us and is much better than other food. Also, organic foods are always fresh and do not contain any artificial flavors and chemicals. It keeps our body active and minds fresh and in turn, helps us to have a productive day.”
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a matter of choice. With the sudden turmoil of Covid 19 going around, we should take necessary precautions to save ourselves and our closed ones from this impending life taking disease. Remember a healthy body is a symbol of a healthy mind.
This Mother’s Day meet your favourite mother-child duos on &TV!

God could not be everywhere; hence he created mothers. She is one person in our life who always takes care of us,fulfils our needs, demands, tantrums, and make our lives better. Depicting this relationship beautifully, your favourite&TVpairs share how their chemistry goes beyond lights, camera, action!
Sneha Wagh, the Mata Anjani of Kahat Hanuman Jai Shri Ram shares a strong emotional connect with Bal Hanuman. Talking about her on-screen character, Sneha says,“The character of Anjani Mata is a perfect blend of beauty, courage and devotion. Anjani is a powerful character of a mother to one of the greatest devotees to have ever existed, Lord Hanuman. She is the biggest influence on Lord Hanuman’s life and guides him towards his divine duty. The show brings alive the core theme of how a mother, the first Guru, can shape her child’s life.”

Adding further, Sneha shares,“Playing a mother fills you up with real emotions and feelings. I keep checking on him if he is feeling fine as the lockdown has been quite tough on children. Even while on shoot I am concerned and protective of him, because I care a lot for him. Such is the exceptional bond between Ekagrah and me that a boy as young as him also checks up on me and asks if I am doing fine.”

It is fun to watch Himani Shivpuri, the Katoriamma of Happu ki Ultan Paltan and Yogesh Tripathi akaDaroga Happu Singh’s hilarious conversations.

Talking about her on-screen equation with Yogesh, Himani says, “Katori Amma is a stubborn, unpersuadable old lady who has her own special charm. Like a typical mother, she is caring and protective of him and always wanting the best for him.”

However, the intense chemistry between the two goes back to their theatre days. Speaking about it, Himani Shivpuri said,“Yogesh & I have done a lot of plays together. He is a wonderful actor, and I feel great to play the role of his mother. Having said that, there are times when I get carried away by the character and end up scolding him, but he, as an obedient son takes it in a very nice way.”

Neha Joshi, who plays Bhima Baiin &TV’s &TV’s EK Mahanayak - Dr B R Ambedkar shares, “Bhima Bai was a humble woman who sincerely supported her husband and encouraged her children to do better. She wished to give them a better life and worked hard for their well-being.”

The actress plays the on-screen mother ofAayudhBhanushaliand shares a beautiful mother-son bond even off-screen. Neha often ends being subjected to Ayudh’s pranks and jokes but enjoys the lively aura created by him. Speaking about their off-screen relationship, she says,“Ayudh and I share a very close bond even off-screen. We spend a lot of time in between shots -playing, rehearsing, eating meals and cracking jokes. There is never a dull moment with him. He often looks up to me for guidance and support, which makes our relationship special. I care a lot for him.”

The mother-daughter duo Samta Sagar and Sarika BahroliyaSarla and Gudiya of &TV’s Gudiya Humari Sabhi Pe Bhari share a khatti-meethi relationship in the show. Talking about her character's on-screen bonding with Gudiya, Samta Sagar says, “Sarla, like any other mother worries about her daughter Gudiya. She wants her to get married to a good man. But her daughter embodies a girl who isn’t restricted by her current reality or any societal norms, which often lands her in unusual situations. This worries Sarla a lot, ki ab kyahogahumari Gudiya ka?”

Off-screen also the duo share an exceptional bond. Elaborating on the same, Samta says, “A mother's role is very powerful and inevitably incites multiple emotions at once. Sarika is a very sweet and down-to-earth girl, and I'm glad to play her mother on-screen. I'm always giving her acting tips because I want her to perfect the art. I love her like my own and I'm always looking out for her health & safety, especially now that Sarika is away from her parents during this lockdown time. We are always connected through video calls and chats.”

Continue watching your favourite mother-child jodisand their stories only on &TV!

‘वर्ल्ड पैरानाॅर्मल डे’ पर ‘लाल इश्क’ ने बताया कि उसने 230 तरह के भूत बनाने और उन्हें डरावना दिखाने के लिये क्या किया

टेलीविजन और सिनेमा में मजेदार कंटेंट की बहार आ गयी है, फैंटेसी-हाॅरर कहानियां हमेशा से ही दर्शकों की पसंदीदा रही हैं। इस जोनर को बखूबी दिखा रहे, &tv के ‘लाल इश्क’ ने अपने दिलचस्प और डरावने कंटेंट से दर्शकों के दिलों में एक खास जगह बना ली है। दर्शक हमेशा से ही टेलीविजन परदे पर भूतों को देखना पसंद करते हैं, लेकिन क्या आपको पता है कि इन्हें इतना डरावना और वास्तविक दिखाने के लिये क्या-क्या करना पड़ता है?

एक भूत को इतना डरावना होना चाहिये कि वह किसी की भी कल्पना पर खरा उतर पाये। भूत को बनाने में कई सारे स्टेप होते हैं, इसकी शुरुआत एक डरावना किरदार गढ़ने से होती है। ‘लाल इश्क’ के प्रोड्यूसर ने ‘वर्ल्ड पैरानाॅर्मल डे’ के मौके पर कुछ मजेदार बातें साझा कीं। ‘‘लाल इश्क’ पर हमने करीब 230 भूत तैयार किये हैं। उन्हें असली बनाने और दर्शकों को डराने के लिये, काफी सारे प्रोस्थैटिक मेकअप का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। इस प्रोस्थैटिक को बनाने में लगभग 4-5 दिन का वक्त लगता है और इसके बावजूद यदि वह वैसा नज़र नहीं आये तो हम उसे दोबारा करते हैं। यह एक लंबी चलने वाली प्रक्रिया होती है। इसके बाद, पोस्टप्रोडक्शन चरण में, एडिटिंग में काफी ज्यादा वीएफएक्स का काम होता है, जोकि भूतों को तैयार करने में एक और महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका अदा करता है। हम वीएफएक्स पर काफी ज्यादा निर्भर रहते हैं, इससे भूत डरावने और खौफनाक नज़र आते हैं।’’

‘लाल इश्क’ में एक भूत की भूमिका निभाने वाले मयंक मिश्रा इस शो में काम करने के अपने अनुभव के बारे में बताते हैं। वह कहते हैं, ‘‘एक भूत की भूमिका करना मानसिक और शारीरिक रूप से चुनौतीपूर्ण होता है, क्योंकि किसी एक्टर को यह दिखाने का मौका नहीं मिलता कि वह कौन है। मुझे ‘लाल इश्क’ में ऐसे एक किरदार के लिये तैयार होने में लगभग 6 घंटे का समय लगा था। प्रोस्थैटिक और काॅस्ट्यूम की वजह से इतना वक्त लगा था। जब मैंने इस भूमिका के लिये हामी भरी थी तो मेरे दिमाग में यह बात आयी थी कि यह चुनौतीपूर्ण होने वाला है। साथ ही, जब मैं छोटा था तो मुझे एक बुरा भूत बनने के सपने आते थे। हर बच्चे के दिमाग में भूत को लेकर एक अलग तरह की धारणा होती है और मेरी कल्पना की दुनिया से ऐसे ही एक किरदार को निभाने का मौका मिलना बहुत ही अच्छी बात थी।’’

इस ‘वर्ल्ड पैरानाॅर्मल डे’ पर ‘लाल इश्क’ अपने दर्शकों के लिये ऐसे ही दिलचस्प और डरावने एपिसोड लेकर आने वाला है।

परदे पर ऐसे ही कुछ फैंटेंसी हाॅरर का आनंद लेने के लिये, देखिये ‘लाल इश्क’ &tv पर रात 10 बजे हर शनिवार और रविवार